Wednesday, May 30, 2012

BirthMONTHS are way more fun than just BirthDAYS!

BirthMONTHS are way more fun than just BirthDAYS!

Other days in May 2012
One of the birthday dinner's with Mom, Dad, Kelly, Jeri, and Grandma! Had to be rolled out of the restaurant that night, as you can tell from the spread on the table.

Claiming this under one of the great birthday celebrations of the month, this one also goes out to Johan for his birthMONTH of May. Glassblowing (or really glass molding) with Mandy, Johan, and Kelly.
Here is each of us showing a step of the process:
Johan reaching into the furnace for the liquid glass

Malia spinning the glass on the prod trying not to drip it on the floor.

Kelly rolling it on the table preparing it to be molded

Mandy making her flower

Although I am claiming the Wine Country trip as part of my birthMONTH. I did get another birthday celebration dinner with Erika and Jamie, fondue a la Kelly. Thanks to Forrest and Nancy for making that electric fondue pot one of the kitchen toys!

More birthday fun to come in Missoula the coming weekend. But, I guess I will let Kris have most of the attention that weekend. Then, sadly, May will be over, but cheers to a great month and lots of vacations.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Phoenix area, AZ

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